On December 31, Paris witnessed a heartwarming event that not only brought joy to participants but also extended a helping hand to those in need.  La Compagnie des Guides created the first edition of “Paris Jeux T’Aide” which marked the initiation of a unique solidarity treasure hunt, an event that combined the thrill of exploration with the warmth of community.

In the heart of Paris, 12 enthusiastic teams embarked on an unforgettable journey to unravel the secrets of the Latin Quarter. Armed with curiosity and a spirit of solidarity, participants faced riddles that led them through the charming streets and historic corners of this iconic Parisian district.

The highlight of the scavenger hunt wasn’t just the thrill of the chase; it was the meaningful purpose behind each step. Along the way, teams were tasked with collecting solidarity baskets from partner merchants.

Our partner merchants, Monoprix, la Grande Épicerie, Maison Mulot, and Pains et Festins, generously contributed to the cause. Their commitment turned a mere treasure hunt into a channel for solidarity. The collected baskets, filled with essentials and heartfelt contributions, were destined for a noble cause.

As the afternoon unfolded, the real magic happened when the treasures were handed over to volunteers from the Saint Vincent de Paul association. These dedicated individuals, embodying the spirit of compassion, took charge of distributing the baskets to people in need.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the participants who joined us on this journey and to our guides Benedicte, Katia, Margot, and Marie-Laure, who volunteered their time and talents. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and positive energy created an atmosphere of camaraderie that made “Paris Jeux t’Aide” a resounding success.

The inaugural edition of “Paris Jeux T’Aide” has left a mark on the city, reminding us that, when united, we can create positive change.  As we start this new year, we look forward to the future with optimism and anticipation and, in the true spirit of solidarity, we say, “See you in 2024!”  Together, let’s continue to make a difference, one visit at a time.